Face moisturizer for women recommendations

As a beauty blogger who specialises in face moisturizer for women, I get lots of fan mail
and forum posts asking for recommendations regarding which moisturizer to use, which is the
best face moisturizer and whether I should opt for face lotion for women.

You ladies will already know that I uphold the highest level of ethics, and a lot of my
work is either based on personal experience with the face moisturizer for women in
question or my interactions with other similar bloggers from the blogosphere.

Why the latter, you might be asking? Why can’t you simply recommend the best
face moisturizer for me? And why can’t you try any and all types of face moisturizer for women?
Won’t that make your life easier?

Well, yes and no. I do get countless offers from different vendors and cosmetic
companies asking me to review their products, and this is not just limited to face moisturizer
for women. Some of these have even included the Body Shop and L’Occitane.

However, because of my skin type, I am only comfortable reviewing some products,
as it wouldn’t be fair to try out a product and post a review for something that is more
suited towards someone else. I leave them to my sisters in the industry.
Big shout out to Lacey Williamson, Nicole Westinghouse and Taisha Phillips especially.

Today, ladies, we will do something a little different. I would like to explore different issues
that can crop up if you are using face moisturizer for women that do not suit you.
I’ve had to do a bit of research and talk to other bloggers about this, but hopefully it will help you.

Let me get real with you for a while though.
Why are many of us not picking the correct face moisturizer for women for our skin types?
It is because we are mostly lazy and creatures of habit. No research equals bad results.
That’s the same with everything else too!

Let’s start with the downright ineffective - face moisturizer for women which results in more pimples.
Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?
In these cases, an allergic reaction might have caused more inflammation,
leading to a cascade of events resulting in blockage and pimples. If you see this,
try a different face moisturizer for women for sure.

On that note, some women might experience what is called “Millia” instead.
These refer to smaller but higher numbers of pimples that present themselves
just underneath the top layer of the skin. The reason why I have listed this separately is
because they might require a separate removal process by a dermatologist. Good luck with this one.

How about other spots that are clearly not pimples? The good news is that it might be easier to clear.
However, just like everything else, there are no absolutes. In such cases, if you are willing to go to
extremes, you might want to consider substituting face lotion for women with a serum-type face
moisturizer for women instead.

On that note, the same type of advice, although with a variation, can also apply to skin
which seem to dry out very quickly after using the moisturizer. If the liquid is too dilute
and not viscous enough, it might not actually be able to penetrate your skin and instead
vaporizes into the air. In this case, switch products for sure.

Next, let’s tackle something much more serious - when a type of face moisturizer for women
causes physical discomfort or pain. This is your body’s way of saying that something ain’t right.
In an ideal world, you should always test potential moisturizers first on certain areas of your skin.
If it stings, it’s no good for you.

Ladies, this would cover pretty much most of the common issues myself and other beauty
bloggers have come across with face moisturizer for women. Remember, you should be
comfortable with the product you use. A good moisturizer should feel natural, blend into your
skin tone and smell great! Until next time, be good to yourself.


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